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In response to the Office of Science Technology Policy Guidance issued in January 2022, the Institutional Science and Security Program (ISSP) has been created at the University to:

  • Create a framework for the topics of “undue foreign influence” and to track guidance on “science and security” being issued by the federal government applicable to the University.
  • Establish a University-wide response for the increased scrutiny by the federal government and various agencies on international engagement.
  • Provide a central site where members of the University easily see the pertinent areas, can locate information or identify applicable offices to answer their questions.

The eight sections below represent the primary aims of the federal guidance. For several areas, multiple university offices are involved, with one administrative area listed as the lead, or primary, office.

  • Global engagement is often a foundational element of successful research and scholarship, and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill remains committed to supporting and safeguarding these vital activities with integrity, transparency and trust.
  • Collaborating with individuals and entities outside of the University creates new opportunities for academic endeavors and research while fostering an atmosphere of creative solutions.
  • Balancing these activities and meeting the requirements from the federal government requires effort from all members of the University community.

  • US Government is concerned about security of federally funded research based on public statements/intent of other nations. Bi-partisan effort have been underway across several presidential administrations.
  • Security is defined on multiple fronts – persons, equipment, IT and potential intellectual property. Emphasis on bad actors leveraging any fronts.
  • Creates tensions with Research Organizations such as universities with a mission of international collaboration and composition of faculty, staff, trainees and graduate students.
  • US Government believes Research Organizations should have a deep understanding of researcher’s activities, hence increased disclosure, security and training requirements.
  • While there may be personal liability for individual researchers regarding reported or non- information; research organizations may also be held accountable.

Science and Security Planning Team (SSPT)

Organized in fall 2020 under the oversight of Institutional Integrity and Risk Management, the various administrative offices represented on the SSPT in yellow reflect the primary areas covered by the federal guidance.  Other offices or individuals (represented in purple) attend as needed to reflect the evolving guidance.

For questions, please contact

  • OUC
  • OVCR
  • Central Compliance
  • COI and COC
  • Export
  • ITS
  • Federal Affairs
  • Tech Transfer (OTC)
  • Finance
  • Provost, EPAP and COC
  • ORIS
  • Academic Affairs